


● 病気があれば予防方法がある。認知症は病気だから予防がある。予防すれば認知症にならない。
● 年をとったから病気になるんじゃなくて、年をとっても病気にならない人はいるので、ぜひそういったまわりの元気な人の生活習慣を真似て欲しい。
● 軽い運動、軽い運動、軽い運動、軽い運動は非常に良い。
● マッサージは、日頃から基本体操を行っている人が受けるのは良いけれど、全く運動をしていない方がが受けてもほとんど効果が期待できない。
● 幸せだと思うと幸せになれる。幸せだと思わなければ幸せになれない。
● スクワットは、しゃがんだ状態から立ち上がることだけど、つま先と膝の向きが違うと膝を痛めることになるので、膝の向きに注意して行って欲しい。

● シンガー歌謡体操に保健センターが協力してくれることになったとの由。
● 3ヶ月に1回、生徒の血圧を測定し、アドバイスがいただける(保健師から)。
● 差しあたり、7月、10月、1月の第一週目の月曜日を予定。

Today is singer song gymnastics.
Mr. Suzuki who is in charge of basic gymnastics exercises a shiritori game.
Everyone gets into a loop and while walking, the game is played just by the name of the animal or just by the name of the insect, but even if it is said to be the name of an insect that begins with "shi", answer "Immediately?" Will it be? For insects, you can imagine "beetle", "mantis", "stag beetle", "semi", "ladybug", "grasshopper", etc., but the sharing of this category is very difficult.
Because singing and gymnastics leads to cognitive prevention, teaching Professor Asano and Professor Murakawa are doing very good gymnastics.
Professor Asano choreographed the "school of medaka" after preposition that the shoulder blades are hard to become stiff shoulders. While singing "Sorry, Sorry", put both arms horizontally forward and turn to the back. These series of actions have led to spreading the range of motion of the shoulder blades, but it seems that they really seem to swim.
Professor Murakawa instructs Sayuri Ishikawa 's "Koibushuu". Starting from a place to balance one foot standing and taught me how to move the boat. Pull the arms forward as you go over the boat as you pull the upper body forward and pull the arms forward so as to rub the boat while resting the body while stepping on the front. If this operation is done according to music, it is very pleasant only with a good song.
Professor Asano makes weekly abdominal exercise gymnastics. Stretch your spine and breathe in slowly through your nose. At this time, inflate the stomach with the image of saving air under the navel.
Then breathe out slowly from the mouth. It is a point to vomit like to let out all bad things in the body while denting your stomach, and to spend about twice as much time to suck.
However, it is difficult to inflate your stomach when you inhale slowly from your nose.
Professor Suzuki mentioned the following words to study.
● There is a prevention method if there is sickness. Because dementia is sick, there is prevention. Prevention prevents dementia.
● I do not get sick because I am older, because some people do not get sick with years, I really want you to imitate the healthy people's lifestyle around those people.
● Light exercise, light exercise, light exercise, light exercise is very good.
● Massage is good for people who regularly exercise gymnastics from day to day, but if you do not exercise at all, you can hardly expect any effect.
● I feel happy and I feel happy. I can not be happy unless I feel happy.
● The squat is to stand up from the crouching state, but if the direction of the toe and the knee are different, you will have to hurt the knee, so please watch the knee direction.

【Health center cooperation】
● It is said that the health center cooperated with singer song gymnastics.
● Measure the student 's blood pressure once every 3 months, and give advice (from public health nurse).
● It will be Monday of the first week of July, October, January per draw.

